La Cattedrale Vegetale

The artist Giuliano Mauri (died at the age of 71 on 29th May) bequeathed what is considered his artistic legacy, in which he explained his project of a Cattedrale Vegetale for his town, which means to believe in a place of worship and gathering where only nature exists with its strength and silences but also to be able to contemplate the sky and pray in one’s own way, or just let one’s own thoughts flow, finally to feel oneself as part of the work.

The cathedral was built according to the ancient art of weaving, which involves the use of flexible wood, stakes, ropes and nails. All materials were emplyed as prescribed by the complex creative methods of the past, respecting the natural cyclus of birth, growth and death. The project aims to revitalize and to highlight the richness and uniqueness of Alpine plant species that grow in the Park and on the ridges of the Orobie Bergamasche.

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